陸征然,博士(博士後),教授,高級工程師, 遼甯省“興遼英才計劃”青年拔尖人才,沈陽市拔尖人才。
International conference on Civil, Architecture and Disaster Prevention委員、中國建築金屬結構協會鋁合金結構分會理事、天津市鋼結構協會會員;
擔任Steel and Composite Structures, Automation in Construction, Journal of Building Engineering, Magazine of Civil Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research等高水平學術期刊評審專家。
[1] 國家自然科學基金:偏心及誘發荷載作用下超高扣件式鋼管滿堂支承體系的性能研究,51308255,2014.01-2016.12,結題,主持;
[2] 國家重點實驗室-重點科技創新基地聯合開放基金項目:防治深部煤礦巷道熱動力災害的鋼管混凝土支撐體系研究,2022-KF-13-02,2022.8-2024.8,在研,主持;
[3] 中國博士後科學基金第60批面上資助:2016M601337,2016.08-2018.08,結題,主持;
[4] 遼甯省“興遼英才計劃”資助項目:嚴寒區鋼管混凝土缺陷超聲陣列檢測與BIM融合技術研究,XLYC1907121,2020.01-2022.12,結題,主持;
[5] 遼甯省高等402永利手机版网址傑出青年學者成長計劃:LJQ2014059,2014.01-2017.12,結題,主持;
[6] 遼甯省自然科學基金:基于施工過程管理的高大模闆支撐體系時變可靠性研究,CXPY2017017,2018.09-2020.09,結題,主持;
[7] 遼甯省教育廳基礎研究項目:寒區現役鋼管混凝土結構複合缺陷跨尺度更新演化機理研究,lncx202019,2020.01-2022.12,結題,主持;
[8] 企業委托項目:沈陽市快速路PPP項目第二标段舊橋維修改造項目 鋼管混凝土室内物理、數值試驗,19-086-8-136,2019.01-2020.12,結題,主持;
[1] Zhengran Lu, Chao Guo*, Zhihua Chen. Multi-scale mechanism of steel tube restraint effect on concrete of CFST. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023, DOI:10.1080/15376494.2023.2169789. (SCI/JCR-1, IF 3.338)
[2] Zhengran Lu, Chao Guo*. Probabilistic analysis of derrick frame in a formwork support system. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2023, 14: 101977. DOI: 10.1016/j.asej.2022.101977. (SCI/ JCR-1, IF 4.79)
[3] Haibin Miao, Chao Guo*, Zhengran Lu, Zhihua Chen. 3D mesoscale analysis of concrete containing defect damages during different freeze-thaw cycles. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 358: 129449. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129449. (SCI/JCR-1, IF 7.693)
[4] Zhengran Lu, Chao Guo*. A study on RCFST column instability modes. Archives of Civil Engineering, 2022, 2: 211-225. DOI:10.24425/ace.2022.140638. (EI -JA)
[5] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Coupling effect of eccentricity and slenderness ratios on RCFST column instability modes, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 6530425. DOI: 10.1155/2021/6530425. (SCI/JCR-3, IF 1.31)
[6] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Multi-scale numerical analysis of the eccentricity on the instability of RCFST long columns. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 167: 108228. DOI: 10.1016/j.tws.2021.108228. (SCI/JCR-1, IF 4.442)
[7] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. A 3D FEM Mesoscale numerical analysis of concrete tensile strength behaviour. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 5538477. DOI: 10.1155/2021/5538477. (SCI/JCR-4, IF 1.726)
[8] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. A comprehensive research of the air-void defect of concrete-filled steel tube. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2021, DOI: 10.3311/PPci.15173. (SCI/JCR-3, IF 1.14)
[9] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Effect of circumferential gap on dynamic performance of CFST arch bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2021, 26(2): 04020121. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001661. (SCI/ JCR-2, IF 2.196, 土木top)
[10] Zhengran Lu, Chao Guo*. Effects of SWS strength and concrete air void composite defects on performance of CFST arch bridge rib. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 7202807. DOI: 10.1155/2020/7202807. (SCI/JCR-3, IF 1.31)
[11] Zhengran Lu, Chao Guo*. Air void and ring gap effect on CFST arch bridges dynamic performance. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2020.106418. (SCI/JCR-2, IF 3.65)
[12] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Effect of temperature on CFST arch bridge ribs in harsh weather environments. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2020.1790701. (SCI/JCR-1, IF 3.338)
[13] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. CFST rib with circumferential gap and SWS composite defects. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s40996-020-00434-5. (SCI/JCR-3,IF 2.372)
[14] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Air void and cap gap composite defects of concrete-filled steel-tube arch bridge transverse brace. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2020, 34(4): 04020073. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001479. (SCI/ JCR-3, IF 2.317, 土木top)
[15] Zhengran Lu, Chao Guo*. Effect of cap gap and welded seam strength on concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge ribs. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2023, 19(1/2), 40-53.
DOI:10.1504/IJSPM.2022.10055342. (EI -JA)
[16] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Vibration experiment of CTCP-CRCP composite pavement under heavy traffic. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2019,12: 416-422. DOI: 10.1007/s42947-019-0049-5. (EI -JA)
[17] Lu zhengran, Maosheng Zhang, Guo Chao*. Dynamic performance of high supporting formwork under horizontal impact load, International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling, 2019, 14(5): 407-419. (EI -JA)
[18] Lu zhengran, Guo Chao*. Bearing capacity of fastener steel tube full hall scaffolds, Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2019, 87(3): 35-45. DOI: 10.18720/MCE.87.3. (EI -JA)
[19] Chao Guo, Zhengran Lu*. Frost heaving of foundation pit for seasonal permafrost areas, Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2019, 87(3): 35-45. DOI: 10.18720/MCE.86.6. (EI -JA)
[20] 陸征然, 郭超*. 水平沖擊荷載作用下高大滿堂支撐架動力性能研究, 天津大學學報(自然科學與工程技術版), 2017. (EI-JA)
[21] 陸征然, 郭超*. 橋梁滿堂腳手架在偏心荷載作用下的承載性能研究, 天津大學學報(自然科學與工程技術版), 2016. (EI-JA)
[22] 郭超, 陸征然*,呂菲, 隋孝民. 嚴寒地區CRTSⅡ型無砟軌道闆溫度特性研究, 鐵道工程學報, 2016, 9(216):29-34. (EI-JA)
[23] 陸征然, 陳志華*, 王小盾, 劉群, 劉紅波. 扣件式鋼管滿堂支撐體系穩定性的有限元分析及試驗研究,《土木工程學報》, 2012.(EI-JA)
[24] 陸征然, 陳志華*, 王小盾, 郭超, 劉群. 基于三點轉動約束單杆穩定理論的扣件式鋼管滿堂支撐架承載力研究, 《土木工程學報》, 2012.(EI-JA)
[25] 陳志華, 陸征然*, 王小盾, 劉紅波, 劉群. 基于有側移半剛性連接框架理論的無支撐模闆支架穩定承載力分析及試驗研究, 《建築結構學報》, 2010. (EI-JA)
[26] 陳志華, 陸征然*, 王小盾. 鋼管腳手架直角扣件剛度的數值模拟分析及試驗研究,《土木工程學報》, 2010.(EI-JA)
[27] Chen Zhihua, Lu Zhengran*, Wang Xiaodun, Zhang Su, Tian Yajun, Tang Qingxuan. Dynamic Performance Test and Estimation of Reinforcement Effect on a Workshop after Column-Cut Supported by Joist, TRANSACTIONS OF TIANJIN UNIVERSITY, 2010.(EI-JA)
[28] 陳志華, 陸征然*, 王小盾, 劉群. 基于部分側移單杆穩定理論的無支撐扣件式模闆支架承載力研究,《工程力學》, 2010.(E-JA)